Turning Features into Benefits


Business Type: A company providing financial solutions to the SME sector

Name of the company: Pro Capital Financial Solutions
Claims are the features that financial solutions can do for the clients in general. But clients buy benefits. Therefore it is important that features of financial solutions are converted into their corresponding benefits which will create more interest in the clients and they will be drawn towards solutions more intently.



Features of Pro Capital’s financial solutions turned into benefits in the form of powerful conversational statement


Claim1: Pro Capital has Innovative financial solutions

Sales Person: With our financial solutions you can be sure that you will get loans that’ll boost your  productivity, improve your business and ensure lower cost of buying financial solutions


Fact:  Our financial solutions are innovatively designed using our deep knowledge of the SMEs and their needs 

Benefit1: which means you will get customized and tailor made financial solutions which will be the 

              first step towards your successful asset acquisition and your financial needs will be optimized

Benefit 2: Which really means to you maximized opportunities in the market, greater profits and your own personal worth will jump

               upwards for choosing the most appropriate financial solutions bringing your company greater 
