Objections you could face while trying to gain appointment from decision makers and effective push backs.


Objections sales people could face while trying to gain appointment from decision makers and effective push backs.


How to handle the prospect when he says, ‘I am not interested’.

If the prospects say no I am not interested, ask another benefit question or rephrase your first question.

Example 1:


You are talking to Mr. Ravi MD of a Call Centre. You make a call, and confirm if he is Mr. Ravi.

You: Is this Mr. Ravi?

Ravi: Yes

You: Mr. Ravi, this is Mishra with Innova Telecom. The largest BPO headsets providers in India. We specialize in helping call centres boost their agents’ productivity by providing robust, attractive, light weight and noise cancelling headsets which help them serve their calling customers in the most effective manner leading to  increased revenue generation for your company. 

I need about 10 minutes of your time to show you these benefits our headsets have. At the end of ten minutes if you believe our headsets are not for you, I’ll leave. Is that fair?

Ravi: No I am not interested

You: So improving productivity of your agents by providing them robust, attractive, lightweight and noise cancelling headsets and thereby increasing your revenue is not important to you?

If the prospect says yes it is, close for the appointment…

Ravi: Yes of course it is important.

You: Then in that case, we need to meet so I can show you how our headsets will help you in doing that. Would tomorrow at 10.15 be good or would Wednesday at 2.45 be better?

Ravi: Come at 2.45, Wednesday…